If in the house, apartment, public institution there appeared undesirable “guests” in the form of various insects, it is necessary to begin their harassment immediately. Violation of sanitary standards can lead to serious and undesirable consequences. People are directly threatened with poisoning, disease, infections with parasites. The Insect Harassment Service carries out comprehensive activities aimed at bringing out populations. These measures are carried out with the help of modern drugs and equipment. Means of etching are applied to places where the main insect cluster is located. These can be all kinds of slits, cracks, plinthus, lockers, washing, etc. Independent attempts to get rid of such “neighbors” are taken away by the active reproduction of pests, because they have well developed immunity to such drugs.
Service of persecution of cockroaches
The service of harassment of cockroaches “Dis-man” will help to cope with the invasion of cockroaches. Employees of the company have invaluable experience in this field, the necessary modern equipment. You can only achieve the right effect by knowing how to deal with red dung. Etching can have a preventive nature, for example, during the spring period, when the reproduction of cockroaches is activated.
The means used are completely safe for humans and carry no harm. This is important for those customers who order residential processing. The service is carried out using special gels, pastes, which are applied by point method. Such a procedure does not disrupt the normal rhythm of life, after which it is enough to do wet cleaning.
Service of persecution of bugs
Bedbugs are particularly dangerous parasites that penetrate personal belongings, a bedroom, a bed, mattresses. People, having direct contact with objects, can contract very serious diseases without knowing from which source. Fortunately, the service of harassment of bedbugs can completely rid tenants of such problems. Modern tools have high efficiency and safety.
Using common drugs that are sold on store shelves, it is impossible to obtain such a result. Parasites oppose common components well and quickly recover their population. Specialists of the company “Dis-man” apply only the best and proven means, which guarantee the desired result. By ordering the service to Dis-Man, customers receive a decent service, instant departure of specialists at convenient times and affordable prices for services.